Notice is hereby given for the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) of Beachlands Maraetai Association Football Club (“BMAFC”) to be held on the date and time, at the venue, with the agenda & object, and with the call for office and nominations set out below.

All BMAFC members are welcome at the AGM.

Date & Time
  • Monday 25 November 2024 @ 7pm
  • Te Puru Community Centre
  • 954R Whitford-Maraetai Road, Beachlands, Auckland 2571
Agenda & Object
  1. Call to Order
  2. Minutes of last AGM
  3. Outstanding Issues
  4. President Report
  5. Financial Report
  6. Club & Committee Nominations
  7. Adjournment
Call for office and nominations

BMAFC Constitution
Article 11.2 of the BMAFC Constitution provides that:

“Prior to the Annual General Meeting, the Secretary/Manager at the direction of the out-going Committee, will call for names of those persons prepared to stand for O@ice, and nominations for O@icers and Committee Members to be elected at the Meeting. Nominations must be received in writing by the Secretary four days prior to the date of the Meeting.

Nominations from the floor of the meeting will only be accepted when insufficient written nominations have been received.”

Nominations, expressions of interest and enquiries

If you are interested in joining the BMAFC committee (the “Committee”) and in standing for oFice, if you want your nomination to be considered by the AGM, if you want to assist the Committee or BMAFC in any other way, and/or if you seek clarification or more information, please email no later than 7pm on Thursday 21 November 2024.

Standing for re-election

The current members of the Committee who wish to stand for re-election are listed below. A role indicated between parentheses after any member’s name is the role currently held in the Committee by this member.

  • David Box
  • Dylan Carruthers
  • Guillem Bonavia
  • Jake Hutchinson (Club Captain)
  • Mark McClintock
  • Michel Mengal
  • Navninder Badwal
  • Nigel Coleman
  • Tim Bateman (Registrations)
  • Zharna Welch (Treasurer)
Standing down

The current members of the Committee who are standing down are listed below. The role indicated between parentheses after any member’s name is the role currently held in the Committee by this member.

  • Angela Stewart (Secretary)
  • Brian Preston (President)
  • David Smith (Junior President)
  • Richard Jacobs (Gear and Equipment)
Officers of the Committee to be elected by the AGM

The Officers of the Committee to be elected by the AGM are:

  • Club Captain (*)
  • President
  • Secretary (*)
  • Treasurer (*)

(*) The Officers marked with an asterisk are those for which the Committee has already received at least one nomination.